Are you determined to change your life, and to live with happiness, abundance and prosperity?

With our help, wish you all the best and find your intrinsic “Inner Rainbow”!

“You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success – none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here.”

— Ram Dass
Tarot Reading

Tarot cards act as a mirror of your subconscious mind. They also reflect your current mind and situation, hence predicting the short-term future (up to a year).


Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a comprehensive spiritual healing method derived from the ideomotor response from clinical hypnotherapy. A pendulum and a series of charts will be used to connect with the client’s high self.

Astrology Natal Chart Reading/ Predictions

Astrology allows you to understand yourself and the world by interpreting the planetary symbols in your natal chart. It lets you analyse your strengths and weaknesses and predict future events and consequential psychological changes.


Our hypnotherapy service is more tailored to the individual needs, along with Integral Spiritual Psychology, Family Constellation, and Cosmic Power to flexibly cope with complex physical and mental problems.