Healing Service

How We Can Help

Release limiting beliefs, obsessions, and discordant energies of the subconscious mind to live with your greatest potential.

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a high-level spiritual energy healing involving various spiritual theories.

Are you ready for spiritual awakening and change your life?

Do you feel like you have some repeating negative patterns? (For instance, you encounter some non-suitable lovers, compelling bosses, etc.) Always crammed with uncontrollable thoughts and obsessive behaviours? Always lament your fate or feel confused and unhappy?

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a comprehensive spiritual healing method derived from the ideomotor response from the clinical hypnotherapy. A pendulum and a series of charts will be used to connect with the client’s high self, and then search and clear negative or discordant energies of in the Akashic Record in their subconscious (or superconscious) mind, replace with positive ones to achieve physical, mental and spiritual wholeness.

In fact, all your current or past life experiences, or all the energies you are projecting right now, influence the present moment.

When the discordant energies and limiting beliefs are cleared,
your past negative patterns are gone.

You start to attract good things and good people
around you and reach your highest life potential.

SRT also assists the following areas (but not limited to), depends on the individual:

Career and Money

  • Release old negative patterns: similar kinds of frustrations and successive failures, such as the wrong man for the job.
  • Alleviate challenges at work and be open to attracting a new and happy job that suits you.
  • Release negative money beliefs and help attract more money into your life.

Love and Relationship

  • Break the former negative love patterns, such as meeting someone incompatible with you or unrequited love.
  • Complicated relationships.
  • Cannot forget or forgive your ex(s).
  • Alleviate the impact and traumatic experience of your first family that lead to psychological or behavioural issues.

Emotions and Health

  • Clear blocks to create happiness and abundance.
  • Look for the root of the issues in the superconscious mind and Akashic records, such as fear, anger, hatred, helplessness, anxiety, conflict, etc.
  • Unwanted desire, addiction and trauma.
  • Clear discordant energies of major life events (such as birth, marriage, surgery, death of relatives and friends, divorce, etc.)
  • Alleviate and improve health challenges (e.g. inexplicable pain, infertility, illness, chronic disease, etc.)
  • Overcome fear, improve depression, claustrophobia, etc.

Spiritual Growth

  • Love and accept yourself.
  • Enhance self-confidence, self-worth and self-awareness.
  • Clear and heal the body aura, space and environment clearing.
  • Develop your potential: learning ability (children and adult), enhancing intuition, inspiration or creativity, etc.
  • Find out the soul relationships of some important people around you and clear your blocks to realise your own life purpose and goals.

Interpersonal/Familial relationship

  • Harmonious interpersonal relationships (including family, love, friendship, colleagues, etc.)
  • Difficult first family experience (inharmony, abandonment, isolation, etc.)

Pet Clearing (health or behavioural problems, etc.)

  • Clearing for pets, such as alleviating their pain due to diseases and uncontrollable behaviours such as inexplicable whining.

SRT Spiritual Response Association

Tracy was certified as an

SRT Consultant

by the Spiritual Response Association (SRA) from the USA.

Only a small amount of people got this certification.

She received a formal SRT professional training programme and intensive skill training courses provided by the chairman of the SRA. Since 2016, she handled over 100 cases including: unresolved events/trauma, love relationship, relationship with money, issues related to career/ job, first family issues, aura clearing, clearing for pets, emotional or health issues, past life regression, life adversity etc…

Full clearing (The first time)


  • A Full Clearing includes:
  • 1) Clearing with Charts
  • 2) Past Life Research
  • 3) Inner Child Progression
  • 4) Brain Restructuring
  • 5) Spiritual Healing
  • ​6) Aura and Chakras Clearing
  • 7) Subconscious Mind Clearing)
  • Before you come for a full clearing, you can come up with your own Healing Intention in advance. It takes about 2-3 hours with detailed explanations.
For those who have received a SRT full clearing before


  • Clearing can be done in person or remotely.
  • Focus on different life areas at the same time.​
  • Deeply clear the root cause in the subconscious mind/past life, releasing the limiting beliefs, obsessions, discordant energies, etc.
  • Take money issue as an example: What percentage of your subconscious mind is open to attracting money and worthy of money? How did your first family affect your belief in money? Are there any experiences/traumas that block you from the abundance flow? etc.

Are you determined to change your life and live with happiness, abundance, and prosperity? With our help, we wish you all the best and find your intrinsic “Inner Rainbow”!