Healing Service


When the soul incarnates on Earth, he/she interacts with the planets in the universe, resulting in a unique natal chart, which is regarded as the blueprint for everyone’s life.

You can learn more about yourself, and even find out your talent and life mission, assisting you to make long-term career planning. How the planetary movement and interaction affect your psychological/emotional level, and then give you neutral advice on what possible events/incidents or emotional/mental activities could be induced, and hence try to

Get rid of the so-called “fatalism” and live out life’s maximum potential.

Astrology allows you to understand yourself and the world by interpreting the planetary symbols of the natal chart, analysing your strengths and weaknesses, and predicting future events and consequential psychological changes.

When you face some life challenges, you can adjust and respond according to your chart and gain personal growth, transcending the limitations and weaknesses of your natal chart, and hence live a freer and happier life.

This is the most positive application of astrology, rather than telling one’s predetermined destiny from the astrologer.

The trend prediction of modern humanistic astrology shifts the focus from the event itself to the exploration of the root cause behind events. It promotes personal cognition and growth through in-depth exploration of various aspects such as feelings, past experiences, internal patterns, self-needness, and the meaning of events.

Its goal is to explain problems, find possible solutions, and assist you in making the most reasonable choice in life without regrets.

Your destiny is in your hands.

Inner Rainbow provides the following Astrology Services:

  • In-Depth Analysis And Interpretation Of The Natal Chart (Character-Focused)
  • Yearly Fortune Analysis
  • Natal Chart Reading and Interpretation (Career And Money Focused) + 20 Minutes Of Yearly Fortune Analysis
  • Natal Chart Reading (Love Relationship Focused) + 20-Minute Yearly Fortune Analysis
In-Depth Analysis And Interpretation Of The Natal Chart (Character-Focused)


  • For astrology service, please make your appointment at least 14 days in advance, and a natal chart report of about 2000~3000 words is included (excluding the yearly fortune analysis)
  • Personality and image, emotional expression, love and marital relationship, mental patterns and ways of communication, family life, work and career, financial management, social life, etc.
  • You can ask 3 extra questions about your natal chart focusing on character (e.g. how to improve my character to have a smoother love life? How to control my temper or negative emotions? What are my real emotional needs?)
Yearly Fortune Analysis


  • For astrology service, please make your appointment at least 14 days in advance, and a natal chart report of about 2000~3000 words is included (excluding the yearly fortune analysis)
  • Major events or life area(s) that require extra attention or reminding you of major events within 3 years (emotional state/career/money/love relationship/family, etc.)
  • You can ask 3~5 questions related to that year if needed.
Natal Chart Reading and Interpretation (Career And Money Focused) + 20 Minutes Of Yearly Fortune Analysis


  • For astrology service, please make your appointment at least 14 days in advance, and a natal chart report of about 2000~3000 words is included (excluding the yearly fortune analysis)
  • ​Character and strength, innate advantages.
  • Job or career that is most suitable for you.
  • Areas of work/money luck and easier ways to achieve success.
  • Interpersonal relationships.
  • Way of communication and your mental or emotional activities.
  • Being a salary man/entrepreneur?
  • Promotion / job change / career change opportunities.
  • Life mission.
  • You can ask 3~5 related questions if needed.
Natal Chart Reading (Love Relationship Focused) + 20-Minute Yearly Fortune Analysis


  • For astrology service, please make your appointment at least 14 days in advance, and a natal chart report of about 2000~3000 words is included (excluding the yearly fortune analysis)
  • Possible time to meet a potential lover.
  • Possible time to get married.
  • Love personality (subconscious need, weakness).
  • Love pattern.
  • Characteristics of a lifelong partner/how to meet him/her more easily.
  • Married life.
  • You can ask 3~5 related extra questions if needed.

Are you determined to change your life and live with happiness, abundance, and prosperity? With our help, we wish you all the best and find your intrinsic “Inner Rainbow”!