Tracy Kwan

I am never in control of what happens around me, but I am always in control of what happens within me

  • Founder of Inner Rainbow Co.
  • Certified Spiritual Response Therapy Consultant (Acknowledged by the Spiritual Response Association in the USA)
  • Certified Hypnotherapist (American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (A.C.H.E), National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH) and Professional Board of Hypnotherapy (PBH)
  • Psychoanalysis and Counseling (National Health Commission and Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China)
  • Integral Psychotherapist (Integral Spiritual Psychology Training Institute)
  • Crystal Layout Healer (Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts)
  • Founding Vice Chairman (Hong Kong Tarot Association)
  • Professional Astrologer (Hong Kong Astrology Club)
  • Professional Tarot Reader
  • Bachelor of Arts (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Are you determined to change your life and live with happiness, abundance, and prosperity? With our help, we wish you all the best and find your intrinsic “Inner Rainbow”!